The Games is soooooooo bad i just cannot understand how they managed to pull this off it makes no sense at all. They used the call of duty 4 engine so that was a lot of load taken off the developers hands. All they had to work on was the basics of the game and enhancing some of the features of the original CoD 4 game. Inspite of that they made a mess of it. I mean come on u go into melee battles and all u have to do is click inside a circle. What the point of having it in the 1st place u might as well have made it into a cutscene and left it at that. Most of the game quite repetitive: take cover-> aim-> shoot. Atleast in gears of war and rainbow Six Vegas when u are taking cover u cant take precise shots in this one u can sit behind a brick wall and take accurate shot without having to come out and aim. seriously u have got to be kidding me. The character response isnt that good either u will suddenly find that instead of running towards cover the character is running towards the enemy or might just leave cover and stand there while getting shot inspide ur best efforts to try and make him run for cover....
Over all unless u are a real die hard james bond fan and must absolutely play this game I would not recommend it. Well if u are a james bond fan and dont want to get disappointed then i would recommend that u dont play the game at all or watch the movie for that matter. But again thats just my opinion :>
To each their own.....
I give this games a 3/10 just coz the graphics quality of the game is somewhat decent and since the scale has been raised to new heights by Farcry 2 well lets just call it the benchmark that all games that come out now will be compared to.